Thursday, January 1, 2009

2009 - a new year

Its a nice brisk morning with great sunshine and promises to warm up enough today to go for some outside activity.
This morning I was noticing the foliage of the grape hyacinths, bright and medium green, under a dogwood tree in the yard. The foliage has been up since late fall, but it stands out now as you wander around the yard and look for life in the cold garden. Don't mistake these for wild onions and pull them up. (Which is even easier to do when they arrive in the fall and you might be doing some energetic garden clean up.) The bulb is a similar size but the stems are narrower than onion, and of course lack the distinctive onion odor. They will bloom in the spring, small and purple, maybe neighboring with the daffodils.

It's January First 2009, the moon is in Pisces until early Saturday; the Farmers Almanac advises that Pisces is good for planting, transplanting and grafting.

Happy New Year!

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